Habits that Harm your Brain

5 min readApr 10, 2023


In today’s internet era, you have adopted some such habits which only entertain you, and leave aside the benefits, on the contrary, they harm you.

And the sad thing is that you are not even aware of it, and slowly these habits destroy your focus, productivity and ability to concentrate on your work.
The reason why we get trapped in these bad habits is that we prefer the entertainment we get for a short time from these habits. But on the other hand, successful people give more importance to education or Learning than entertainment.
That’s why we should make such habits which help us in development and Growth.

In this Article I will discuss about Seven habits which keep you weak and harm your Brain. And leave these habits as soon as possible.

So Let’s Start.

Habit #1: Low Attention Span

Attention Span means the length of time for which a person is able to concentrate on a particular activity or subject. And The Average Human Attention Span is just 8 Second. This means that we can concentrate on any task for only 8 seconds without getting distracted. And it happened because our habits made us like that.
The first Reason that decreases your Attention Span is Your Habit not to stay on a single task for more than a few minutes.
A study by Google states that 99% of users never read the entire article. And with such focus you can never work productively.
I think you must be aware of FLOW STATE, where your Productivity and ability to focus on your work are at peak. But you can go into the flow state only when you remain engaged in the same work for 90 minutes without any distraction.

Habit #2: Do not Finish What You Start

You should make it a habit that from now on you will finish whatever work you start.
And this habit will improve your ability to focus for a long time and the habit of sticking to any work. And it will gradually increase your attention span as well.
This work can be very boring for you, Because you switch from one task to another only when you start getting bored with the first task. That’s why it will be boring for you to Finish what you start.
That’s why for this work you have to take small actions and start small.
For Example — Whatever blog/Article you start reading, you will read it completely. In the same way if you start reading a Book then first complete it then go for another book.

Habit #3: Mobile Phone Addiction

Mobile phone addiction is the reason for your low attention span and not being able to stick to a task until you finish it.
Mobile Phone is not Distraction for You, as we understand this fact more clearly in Deal with Distraction.
But this Mobile phone Addiction makes you lazy. Today you do not play outdoor games for entertainment, this mobile phone entertains you, While there are many benefits of playing outdoor games.
And in research it was found that the young generation spend 90% of their time on their smartphones and watching something on screens. Most people wake up in the morning and check their notifications and messages. And the reason behind insomnia is your Smartphone, Because mostly people fall asleep while using mobile phones.
And if you want deep sleep then you should not use your mobile phone 1 hour before sleeping.

Habit #4: Getting Late in the Morning

I have already told you that every action taken in the morning affects your whole day. And the worst morning habit is getting up late.
I have already shared with you the morning routine list of some famous billionaires. And you must have noticed one thing that every successful person wakes up early in the morning. And the reason for not getting up early in the morning is your habit of using the smartphone till late night.
You should wake up early in the morning and adopt habits like meditation Affirmations, walking, exercise and reading.
Also Research has shown that watching the sunrise may help boost our moods, reduce inflammation and depression, and even help us get better sleep at night. And if you’re already getting up early, then simply take the time to step outside and get your daily dose of beauty and inspiration.

Habit #5: Comparison

Today you spend your maximum time on social media. Where you see the lifestyle of others and compare yourself with them.
You only see the success of people on social media, you don’t see their struggle behind them.
And then you make it your goal to achieve a lifestyle like them. And by doing this you forget your own purpose.
So stop comparing yourself. Not only on social media but also in real life, don’t compare yourself with anyone and don’t judge anyone.

Habit #6: Not Enough Sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, your brain doesn’t have a chance to rest and recover from the day. This can lead to serious problems.

Habit #7: Negative Thinking

Negative Thinking cause stress and anxiety, that affect your overall Mental Health. If you want to keep your brain healthy, make sure you’re thinking positive thoughts and also feed positive information in your brain.

Replace these Habits

Now I will tell you which habits to replace these habits.

#1. Increase your Attention Span

I already discussed the reason for our Low Attention Span and if we want to increase our attention span then we have to increase our ability to focus on a single task with full concentration and finish what we start.

#2. Habit of Reading

Instead of Spending time on social Media you have to spend your time reading self-help books and Articles, and watch informative podcasts.
In the beginning it may be difficult, so you can divide your screen time — It means that if you use your smartphone for three hours a day then out of these three hours you have to spend one hour reading self help articles, book summaries and podcasts.

#3. Early Morning Habit

Instead of getting late in the morning you have to wake up early in the morning. And Also you have to follow some morning rituals.
In our Previous Articles you get a number of ideas regarding productive and cheerful Morning ritual. Miracle Morning Routine

READ ALSO 21/90 Rule, 5 qualities of winning Attitude





improvement-habits.com is here to guide you to adopt a right habit and right mindset.

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